Research areas of the staff

Research areas of the lecturers at the Geography and Tourism Studies Institute
Prof. dr. Hanusz Árpád
Tourism area:
- Potentials in the development of Hungary’s tourism

- Potentials in the touristic development of the sub-regions

- Complex examination of Tourist Destinations

- Experiences in the operation of TDM organizations
Socio-Geographical Area:

- Opportunities for economic catching up for disadvantaged areas

- Tourism and economic relations

- Structural transformation of the Hungarian industry

- The resources of the Hungarian agriculture

- Cross-border economic relations

Dr. Kókai Sándor
- Population and settlement geography

- Socio-geography

- Structural studies

- Historical geography

Dr. habil Tar Károly
- City-climatological and bio-climatological aspects of the sun’s revenue on different surfaces,
- The statistical structure of the Hungarian wind field (wind direction, wind speed, wind power) and its dependence on  weather conditions (macrosynoptic and front-types),

- Detectibility of the climate change based on climatic time-series

Dr. Dobány Zoltán
- Historical geography

Bácskainé dr. Pristyák Erika
- Tourism of Szatmár-Bereg region
- Suburban farms

Dr. Sütő László
- Mapping and Assessment of anthropogenic geomorphologic forms and processes

- Data processing of landscape themes, site survey and assessment

- Research of geographical characteristics of the disciplines in tourism

- Analysis of social embeddedness of geographical knowledge

Dr. Szepesi János
- Igneous mineralogy

- Volcanology (acid vulcanic minerals, tuff)

Prof. dr. Frisnyák Sándor
- Historical geography

Dr. habil Göőz Lajos (More)

- Option-analysis of micro-regional energy supplies with renewable energy

- Geological and hydrological preparation of the establishment of thermal wells, setting of drill points

Dr. habil Kormány Gyula
- Socio-economic aptitudes and development opportunities of small landscapes in the Upper-Tisza region after the millennium

- Demographic conditions of the Ibrány –Nagyhalász Region from the change of the regime up to the present

Dr. Géczi Róbert
- Ecology of cities

- Environmental Geography

- Changing of landscapes

Dr. Bali Lóránt
- Croatian-Hungarian cross-border relations

- Developmental  problems of border areas (Croatian, Slovenian border)

-  Developmental issues in Zala Region

- Regional development issues in Croatia

- Political geography

- National and ethnic Issues